After giving the owner, Don at Superior Goodyear $120.21 dollars for a compression test, he verified cylinder #6 is shot. No further information. However, advice from my fellows owners:
http://landsharkoz I have been advised, if I need a new head gasket, or the valve is burnt, the motor could be repaired. If it is a seized piston, or ring problems, it is better to replace. However, it more in likely a head gasket, as it is probably the original. Nevertheless, any repairs means the engine needs removed. Standard Labor: $100.00 and hour, and examination is a minimum of three hours. Parts: 'expensive,' replacement, and more labor to reinstall, etc. I am "officially" over my head. The 928 is currently a lawn ornament, and on Craig's List. :(
The car is listed on Craigs List for $2500.00 obo
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