Yesterday, while she was in idle, after a two (2) day cold start, I noticed the motor was whinding as the idle was fluxuating, and the headlamps were dimming and brightening. My first thought was the battery was old, and maybe a cell had died or something, or the alternator was bad, and the battery was taking too much of the load. I disconnected the battery, and had taken it to Advanced Auto Parts to confirm the battery was better than good! "12.74V" I also purchased (2) anti-corrosion washers (98 cents) * Side note: Well, while I was there, I picked up a bottle of 'Techron, ' a fuel system cleaner for $7.99, ...another posting later. Anyway, I returned home, and put the terminals back on. I also know disconnecting the battery is always a good thing with electronic gremlins, knowing the electrical system will 'reset' itself. I also asked the wife to press on the gas pedal, as I checked the cable on the idle control. While looking under the hood, it seemed to be moving alright, however noticed it was a brown rusty color on the old parts. I sprayed WD-40 on it (fix-all), and (wa-la), problem fixed. I think the car was looking for idle, and it was stuck? Who knows? Anyway, I think she was just mad at me for sitting for a few days with no attention. This weekend, she is getting another 300+ mile road trip with Techron in the gas tank, so I am planning on blowing out some thirty-year old carbon out of the pipes. :)
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