A free 28-point inspection until the 28th? Why not? I call and make an appointment. The service manager says 7:30 am. I arrive at 8 am, due to daily commuter traffic in Tampa on I-275. What was I thinking? The overall experience was pretty impressive. I was greeted with friendly salesman, and service. Most important, free fresh gourmet coffee! While I was waiting, I spent most of the time like a kid at Toys-R-Us, and got to droll, and play in the 2010' Boxster, Cayman S 911 series' cars, and the new Cayenne. Of course, I grabbed all the sales material I could get my hands on to read and effortlessly study and learn later, and the accessories for sale; well, they got me for a $17.00 t-shirt. To think I drove in a 32 year old car, older than most of the 'certified mechanics;' however, one of the old timers had remembered distinctively "Hey, that's Tony Montana's 'Scarface" car! My old dream car." When I peeked through the "Employee's Only" window, all the mechanics were conducting/learning the inspection, so I know it was completed, as they were gathered throughout the vehicle. What was most impressive, as she actually passed; ie..headlamp alignment, CV Drive axle boots, exhaust system, steering linkage, and of course, knew the tranny, and fluids were good due to prior service. I am concerned both front upper ball joint boots were documented as torn, as all the struts are original, so I must investigate.